Our regional team leaders

Bettina Zidtek, MSc

Wien, Niederösterreich

Katrin Hintermeier, MA

Oberösterreich, Salzburg

Andrea Brodschneider

Steiermark, Kärnten

Petra Handle, MSc

Tirol, Vorarlberg

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Answers to frequently asked questions about Demographic Consulting Digi+


Is the consulting really provided for free?

Yes! All consulting and related services offered by Demographic Consulting Digi+ are provided free of charge. The project is fully funded by the European Social Fund Plus (www.esf.at/en/) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (www.bmaw.gv.at/en).

What services are included in the consulting?

The services range from an initial information meeting and comprehensive analysis work to full assistance with the implementation of proposed measures. You may also take advantage of additional services offered by Demographic Consulting Digi+, such as events and conventions.

Who are the consultants?

The project is implemented by the Demographic Consulting Working Group, consisting of ÖSB Consulting GmbH (project lead) and Deloitte Consulting GmbH. The consortium also includes bab Unternehmensberatung GmbH and move-ment Personal- und Unternehmensberatung GmbH.

Can I use your services if I've already received other funding?

The services by Demographic Consulting Digi+ constitute funding subject to the de minimis rules. To be eligible for our consulting services, companies must therefore be able to confirm that they have not received any state aid subject to the de minimis rules, or no aid in excess of the threshold of EUR 300,000, over the past three years. Eligibility is based on the date on which the aid was granted, not the date on which it was paid out. Once the three-year period has expired, companies affected by this restriction will be eligible to take part in our consulting programme.
The Public Employment Service’s (AMS) short-time work aid made available during the COVID-19 pandemic does not fall under the de minimis rules.

When was Demographic Consulting Digi+ established? How much money is available?

Demographic Consulting Digi+ was established in 2023 for a five-year period. Funds of EUR 17.6 million have been earmarked for this programme. Demographic Consulting Digi+ is active in all Austrian provinces, with the exception of Burgenland.
The predecessor programme “Demografieberatung für Beschäftigte + Betriebe” ran between 2017 and 2022. Some 1,800 companies took advantage of advice on age-diversity in the workplace over this period.

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